Manual PUBG - Zeus

Zeus - PUBG - 

Before use:

-Please disable your Antivirus (Windows Defender or third party application) and your firewall , as they conflict with the cheat usage.

- This project requires the Secure BOOT and TPM disabled in your System BIOS. If you have them both enabled, this project will never work. Check on the internet for guides to disable these features in your system.

- You must not have Valorant Riot Vanguard or Faceit anticheats installed, or else this cheat will never work.

- The project will need the use of window borderless mode (Game)


1. Enable the Hyper-V feature at your control panel settings. This is required to use the project.


If this feature was not enabled yet, it will ask you to reboot the device, do so and proceed with the next step once you're back.


How To Enable, Configure and Use Hyper-V on Windows 10 - NEXTOFWINDOWS.COM


If you are using AMD CPU, you should enable "SVM" in your Bios.
(SVM is a similar feature for AMD CPU with Hyper-V in Intel CPU)

Or you can run below Auto-setup file to enable Hyper-V or SVM
-Download Auto enable setup file for Hyper-V or SVM-


2. Once completed  the reboot, open the Zeus loader as an administrator.

3 A new CMD window should open, from here, add the key you have received from the store then press enter.


Notes. If the Hyper-V is not enabled or you don't meet one of the conditions below, it will be shown as Red and you won't be able to continue. Be sure you have enabled the Hyper-V before using the loader.


The device will reboot after a few seconds. DO NOT restart the device manually !!


Depending on the machine specs, this reboot proccess should take from 1 to 10 minutes to complete. Once the machine has fully booted, proceed to the next step.

4.Once the device has restarted, open the game in 
WINDOW BORDERLESS MODE and when you reach the game lobby the button DELETE from your keyboard. Operate with the options by clicking on them to enable/disable options or manipulate them.

NOTES: The cheat will remain loaded until you restart the device fully. BEWARE. If you play other games, the bypass might be running and you being banned to other anticheat protected games!!
