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Manual HWID Spoofer - Hades
Hades - HWID Spoofer - - How to use:
-Please make sure that your Antivirus (external or Windows Defender), as well as your Firewall, is disabled before using the tool.
*In short terms, for easy understanding, spoofing is the process that we're going to make use to change a variety of hardware identification serials. Each part of our hardware got a designated number upon Windows installation.
*Sometimes, a Game may Ban a part of our components, making it unable to use an account as before and, as the game will look over this same component number, this may incur into an immediate ban or in other cases not being able to join any game even when an account ban hasn't taken place.
*A spoofer may only change some and not all designated hardware serials, they may be the motherboard or network adapters or HDD's for example. Make sure that the software you gonna use is designated for the current ban type of the game.
*When using a spoofer make sure that you have also saved your Wi-fi password (in case of using) as it may restart your network adapter.
PUBGCOD MW/WARZONE (We will stop the support for COD for the time being.)VALORANT (We will stop the support for Valorant for the time being.)
Be sure you have all c++ and direct x libraries before using. Here is an all in one tool.
Step 1. Run Hades Spoofer Loader as an administrator.
Step 2. For the new user, you need to click on the button Registration or if you already have a spoofer account, just skip this part and Login with your credentials.
*Hades Spoofer Registration process does not use AimControl credentials and they are not related to each other, so make sure to not forget about the ID and password you're going to use as WE CANNOT RECOVER THIS INFORMATION!!
Step 3. Go back to the initial window and Login with your created credentials.
Choose the option Use a KEY and paste the serial you obtained from the shop.
*Paste your key and press ACTIVATE.
*Your sub time will be displayed here as well:
Step 3. Now with the key registered, press at the button SPOOF. It will request you the options to use, as well as the spoof method used. Select the NORMAL method for the majority of games.
*Most of the games will require disk/partitions and volumes options. However, in case you're using the spoofer for games like COD or FN you will need the network adapters option and SMBios option. Do not use them to other games. The option SMBios can cause a bluscreen as well. Please do not use if it is not needed.
*Press the Button OK and allow it some time to complete.
--->One easy way to know if your disk serials have changed are by using the command prompt as administrator Before and After using this program to check that in effect your disk drive serials got changed. Using the following command:
wmic diskdrive get serialnumber
*In case of using cheat, first do inject your cheat, most of the cheats will wait for you until you open the game, so during that period of time, use the spoofer and then log into the game. Do not do it on the opposite, because cheats are also HWID locked and using them from a spoofed PC will lead the cheats to not be used as well.
In short:
*Inject with the desired cheat (For example Midnight) /Apply the spoofer / Open the game.
*When you finish playing a game, do restart your computer. All the parameters will be reverted and back to normal settings. BY ALL MEANS, DO NOT OPEN THE AimControl LOADER AGAIN WITH A SPOOFED MACHINE.
*To use this spoofer in Valorant you must follow these instructions:
1- Having done a clean windows reset. This is imperative and not optional in case of being hwid banned in the past. However, in case you have not been banned yet, you can skip this step.
Without having done this you will be banned again due the tracking files from Valorant. Keep that ind mind.
2- This method will only work with the bios type set as UEFI. There's a high chance of failure having it as Legacy. Check this before using.
3- You must set the autologin at Riot as disabled as login again without being spoofed previously will lead you to a ban (in case of previous hwid bans)
4- If you get banned by cheating in your spoofed machine, you must re-do the step 1, even if you still have your original HWID unbanned. Also, you must always use new accounts or never flagged accounts. Login with a banned account will add again the tracking files and the step 1 will be needed one more time. Extreme care on this step.
How to use:
- Once you have logged at the spoofer. Do press SPOOF as usual but instead of using the normal method, select the BOOT method this time. The PC will request you to do a restart.
IMPORTANT: DO MAKE BACKUPS of your PERSONAL DATA and/or having a windows backup in case of failure. You have been warned, this process could fail.
The computer will restart and show you the spoof process here and start windows as usual.
--->If by any reason you get stuck here at your PC logo, shutdown the PC and repeat the process.
--->Finally when you're back in windows, do make the same checking using the command prompt as administrator Before the spoof and restart and after using this program, checking that in effect your disk drive serials got changed.
Use the following command:
wmic diskdrive get serialnumber
AFTER USING THE SPOOFER (Once you have restarted the machine)
If everything is correct and the serials changed, you can now create or use a valorant account as usual. DO NEVER CREATE NEW ACCOUNTS IN A NON SPOOFED MACHINE!!
The spoof process will remain active until your next windows restart.