Info Fifa Cup 24 - Hypnos
-Supports Windows 10 : (all versions) / Windows 11 (21H2, 22H2, 23H2)
-English menu.
-HWID Lock.
Key Features:
Disconnect win DR - Disconnect your opponent from Division Rivals match and win the game instantly.
Disconnect win FutCH - Disconnect your opponent from Fut Champions (weekend league) match and win the game instantly.
Anti Alt-Tab - This feature is auto enabled when the menu is injected, it will allow you to ALT-TAB the game without pausing the game when you are in a Squad Battles match. You can activate it at any time.
No Loss - Game will end and the match won't be counted from your matches left on FUT Champions.
So, basically, you need to play a Division Rival match after you use the "No Loss" feature on a Fut Champ match, because if you just go ahead and use no loss again on a second FutChmp match, the previous game will count as a lost game.
In short, "Play FutChmp match > Use no loss > Play DR match > Use no loss" so this way when you start another FutChmp match, only the DR match will count as a lost match.
Hide Origin ID - You need to activate this feature in Ultimate Team menu if you want to avoid being reported while in match by your opponent, when activating this, the opponent won't be able to see your EA profile and report you for cheating. Keep in mind if they are determined, they might be able to report you directly to EA in a ticket, which means you are not 100% safe either way but most of the players don't bother, so we assume it's a good option.