Info Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 - Arachna
Product requirements/Specifications:
-OS: Windows 10 & Windows 11
- HWID lock - Bound to one PC only
- Required the Secure boot in bios disabled.
- Completely Stream Proof
(fully invisible, perfect for YTer & Streamer)
- Safe Mode
(limits the features to the safest)
- Support Game Pad
- Aimbot
- Advanced smoothing feature with customizable settings(Random smooth values each time)
- Dead- zone and customizable humanization features
- Bone selection/aim at closest bone to crosshair
- Recoil control system(fine tune the amount of recoil you want)
- Accurate bullet travel prediction and player movement prediction(Aims ahead of the enemy so you always hit the shot)
- Auto select target(swaps to a new target if they are close to your crosshair)
- FOV adjust(Shows a visible indicator of the FOV value)
- Aim key(toggle aimbot via an assigned key or mouse button)
- Save different configs and switch between them easily(Save unlimited number of custom profiles)
- Enemy Information
- Draw Skeleton
- Draw Weapon Icon
- Draw Bounding Box
- Draw Teammates on ESP
- Radar Features
- Show the orientation of enemies and if they are shooting
Unlock All Features